A rising tide lifts all boat businesses ..
Contact us by email: info@boaters.shop

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Your Great Product?

We want Boaters.Shop to be a website that people can trust to connect them with great products made by boaters.

Narrowboat Coffee, our launch product, is our own product. But it’s not all about us. We want to offer a range of great products sold by boaters in a setting where they can be promoted together and where they can help sell each other.

If you’re a boater with great products to promote and sell Boaters.Shop can help.

You can use Boaters.Shop to connect to your own website and your social channels for free.

We will regularly feature a different boater and their products on the Boaters.Shop home page.

If you would like to sell your products directly through Boaters.Shop, let’s talk.

If you think we can work together, and want to know more, please email info@boaters.shop